Beauty in the Park today….

hydraenga 2hydraenga august 2015

I couldn’t decide which one I liked best, so here are two images from my walk in the park today.. There were loads of late winter bright blooms, but I loved these especially.

This was my first real chance to really test out the 50mm fixed lens and I love it. There hasn’t been much photography or blogging recently – the price I am paying for being a shop owner at present! But, I will be back!

New shop window display…

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Well week one is nearly over…it’s been such a great experience meeting lots of people and seeing all the collection out on display. Here are some pics of the latest shop window display….

Opening day….

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We opened the doors today – our first ever shop…it looked fabulous and it was great to meet so many lovely people who came in to see what we were doing and enjoyed the mix of my art and photography, the Fantail Collection, vintage treasures, Start Something kits and gorgeous flowers. The kids art/play area was also pretty popular with the younger crowd…

Here are a few pictures of the gallery/shop…

The mountain in blues…

The mountain shimmers

The mountain…indigo sky and a mountain silhouette…the mountain shimmering, the snow highlighted and glistening in  in the final moments of the place between twilight and total darkness…

A creatively modified photograph inspired by night time views of the mountain, it’s winter snow covering and the lovely night sky and a shadowy landscape.

Winter roses…

rose July 2015

Winter isn’t the normal time for roses to bloom. It is a time of dormancy and pruning, caring and quiet bare branches. Apparently my roses did not get this message as today, after all the recent cold weather and the torrential rain…I have roses blooming on bare branches…delicate, fragile and the palest pink…a perfect winter rose.

Inspiration on Pinterest…

I have been loving Pinterest recently – getting loads of inspiration on a whole range of things including art and photography but also great ideas I have collected about up-cycling furniture, gorgeous patterns and colours and drawings, wish list interiors and gardens, and awesome inspiring words. Please have a look and share anything you think is inspiring for you, or just leave a comment or share a pin. It is so great to see all the other people’s ideas and collections and passions. Share the love I think.

On leaving Hawkes Bay…

Leaving hawkes bay

Winter in Hawkes Bay.

Picture perfect.

Hard to leave for so many reasons.

This is just one.

A few more market stall shots..


Seaside market…a great winter day

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Feasting and flying on a Sunday morning.


After it rained and rained and rained this weekend, the rivers from the mountain flooded downhill into the city and beyond to the sea. At the point where the wild, gushing river force came crashing down into the sea, the sea-gulls circled, dived and swooped around, clearly enjoying the spoils of the flooded river-ways.