Category Archives: pink

Big sky night on the coast…

June 2016 Sunset over sea

The sun was there. A large gold orb floating just above the horizon. Then, seemingly in an instance, it was almost gone, leaving in its wake, a spectacular sky of pinks, blues and purples. The blackest silhouette of winter trees remained momentarily as the golden orb sank fully into the sea beyond the horizon. What an incredibly sight on a mid-winter’s evening.

Three sisters…

Like three sisters…these three paintings are genetically similar. ..same canvas, same paint pallet,  same creator… but each is in individual, unique and has its own strengths and weaknesses …the same but different.

It feels good to be painting again after a bit of a quiet period as I have focused on photography and writing. I have missed it. I have attached a close up shot of one of the paintings too…so you can see the pinks and indigo and whites…colours of my  favourite black sand beach at sunset. Enjoy!






Easter 2016 007

This old original dairy factory in the back roads of South Taranaki is someone’s home. I know because..

  1. There is a sky TV satellite disk installed.
  2. There are pots and a car parked around the other side.

I like it because it reminds me of buildings in Italy and France (without the fancy balustrades of course). This photograph below – being from Nice in France.

2015-11-18 21.06.01

I also like the dairy factory for the same reasons – its aged patina, its wooden shutters and its pastel hues. It seems so out of kilter in a country town full of dairy factories and farm buildings that are practical and functional and made of simple wood and brick and that are  definitely not pink. I always wonder about who built it this way and why?



Fading pink in the heat of summer….

Feb Fair at Tupare 2016 008

The hydrangeas are out in full glory. Perhaps this seemingly endless summer is even too hot for them this year, as they look drier and pinker than usual.

Of course, I love the muted shades, the messy variegated colours seen as they slowly die off from what was a glorious bloom, and this hedge was a perfect example of the colours.

A vision of pink….


Roses from garden today….pink and violet and gorgeous..what a lovely sight to see….

Pink is Nice.


Pink is Nice. Or rather… Nice is pink. Nice, France… that is. Lots of lovely faded pink buildings. And pale blue and pale green and pale yellow…One can’t help but smile at these gorgeous old buildings in such wonderful summer/beach colours. So pretty and so much faded, past it’s best, glamour. The wonderfully ornate architecture, gorgeous shutters and delicate wrought iron everywhere  in the most pretty faded pastel palettes. I never tired of these grand old ladies.