Category Archives: travel

March madness…

Caleb's upside down moon

Firstly, I have to say…this is not my image, but my son’s.”Upside down moon” is its title I believe. I have posted this, as for the first time ever, I have no new photos or art to share with you. My camera has been collecting dust over the past few months as I have been focused on completing some study and family priorities which have consumed me recently.

So, here I am, in nearly March and not one single blog, photo or art to share…not that I haven’t been thinking about it all…I have the application for the Lysaght Watt Trust Art Award for this year and am close to a decision on a piece to enter..imagine winning twice!!!  It is an interesting theme too, being “Yin Yang” which has me thinking about the endless flow between light and dark, solid and fluid, old and new, good and evil, morning and evening, hard and soft,  masculine and feminine and the other Yin Yang examples found in nature and around us and also in us….two opposite and opposing forces at play…

I am thinking also of another GARDEN Art Exhibition this year (after our great review last year) and also a photographic exhibition of Taranaki photographers… and I dream to enter a portrait competition and also of having an exhibition of my Italian photos and setting up a real physical art support group too – to share ideas and support each other, even more than we do now……so many ideas. Maybe I just needed some creative down time over recent months to re-emerge stronger, more creative and inspired than ever before? The balance of creative forces in my own body and mind and heart are shifting again and I feel  a re-awakening happening…

May March bring you joy and creative inspiration also.

Valley of contrasts


I had never travelled this road. That’s what funeral’s do to you. They make you travel new roads, see new sights, meet new people. The storm had passed and the sun was making it’s way through the dense black clouds and seemingly straight down onto one tiny little house, alone in this beautiful valley. On a day of sadness, it was a ray of sunshine in more ways than one.

Today on tour. ..


Today I was on a very well traversed road and from under a cloud of fog and ending a weekend of sleety flurries, icy winds and rain… emerged this! Stunning….

Taking in the view…


It is always good to get away and see new sights. The hills are different here from where I live, the landscape changed subtely and the light, somehow different.

The rejection of sleeping Ariadne.

The rejection of Ariadne

My latest Photograph and entry into the Taranaki Arts Trail Exhibition 2016.

Titled “The rejection of sleeping Ariadne”.


A 3rd century BC Roman copy of an ancient Greek sculpture of Ariadne.

Ariadne awoke from her peaceful slumber  to find herself abandoned and rejected by her lover, Theseus, according to Greek mythology. This sculpture captures her final moment of peace before she wakes and realises the devastating betrayal that has occurred.

She is left to dream alone…rejected then by her lover and now, it also appears, the public.

Dreaming of Italy and a new Gallery…

doors orange

I have finally got some Italy pictures ready for framing.Every image I choose for framing bring back very happy memories.

The gallery is nearly ready to open. Wallpaper is going up today, new images are prepared, framed and stored,  invitations to the “opening” have been sent…it is a very exciting time for Black Box Art Studio & Gallery. I hope to have some photo’s soon…



Pink is Nice.


Pink is Nice. Or rather… Nice is pink. Nice, France… that is. Lots of lovely faded pink buildings. And pale blue and pale green and pale yellow…One can’t help but smile at these gorgeous old buildings in such wonderful summer/beach colours. So pretty and so much faded, past it’s best, glamour. The wonderfully ornate architecture, gorgeous shutters and delicate wrought iron everywhere  in the most pretty faded pastel palettes. I never tired of these grand old ladies.