Daily Archives: March 11, 2013

Life’s lessons learned in the dance hall.

the ballet lesson 2013

The first and only ballet lesson. I had such high hopes after 3 gorgeous but very boyish boys…finally a little girl to take to ballet. A little girl to dress in a pink tutu and ballet slippers. I could watch her dancing about with the other little girls…That was my plan.

Unfortunately my daughter did not share my enthusiasm, and decided after enjoying dressing for the event and even holding hands for the pre-dance lesson pow-wow, that maybe dancing wasn’t her thing right now. There was no way she was participating! So we sat for two lessons and watched. Then, I finally realised that maybe this was more about my dreams than hers, right now…

I will just have to be very content to watch my ballerina skip about in her fairy dress over her pyjama’s at home, singing “hot cross buns, one a penny, two a penny…” and waving her fairy wand around. She did make a very cute ballerina, if only for a fleeting moment.