Category Archives: original

March madness…

Caleb's upside down moon

Firstly, I have to say…this is not my image, but my son’s.”Upside down moon” is its title I believe. I have posted this, as for the first time ever, I have no new photos or art to share with you. My camera has been collecting dust over the past few months as I have been focused on completing some study and family priorities which have consumed me recently.

So, here I am, in nearly March and not one single blog, photo or art to share…not that I haven’t been thinking about it all…I have the application for the Lysaght Watt Trust Art Award for this year and am close to a decision on a piece to enter..imagine winning twice!!!  It is an interesting theme too, being “Yin Yang” which has me thinking about the endless flow between light and dark, solid and fluid, old and new, good and evil, morning and evening, hard and soft,  masculine and feminine and the other Yin Yang examples found in nature and around us and also in us….two opposite and opposing forces at play…

I am thinking also of another GARDEN Art Exhibition this year (after our great review last year) and also a photographic exhibition of Taranaki photographers… and I dream to enter a portrait competition and also of having an exhibition of my Italian photos and setting up a real physical art support group too – to share ideas and support each other, even more than we do now……so many ideas. Maybe I just needed some creative down time over recent months to re-emerge stronger, more creative and inspired than ever before? The balance of creative forces in my own body and mind and heart are shifting again and I feel  a re-awakening happening…

May March bring you joy and creative inspiration also.

Reflecting on what was 2016…

Well 2016 has been and gone and it seems timely to reflect a little on what was great about it before launching into 2017 plans and goals. So here are my top 3 highlights for 2016.

The absolute highlight of 2016 was winning the prestigious Lysaght Watt Trust Art Award for 2016 with my photograph “Daily life: Under the Eiffel Tower”. This is my absolute proudest moment as a photographer and artist.




Another highlight this year was participating in the Taranaki Arts Trail and having my gallery/studio open this year at home…with my photograph “The Rejection of Ariadne” displayed under the Taranaki Arts Trail signage at the Gallery profiling all the artists.

arts-trail-image  The rejection of Ariadne

Finally my third top highlight was organising and participating in “GARDEN – An ART Exhibition” which involved over 20 distinct and talented Taranaki Artists and showcased a wide variety of artistic talent from drawing to sculpture to fibre work and pottery, all with a garden theme, and was on display during Taranaki region’s Garden Festivals in late October/November this year. I was extremely happy with my own entry  – a photograph printed on linen.. Botanical Beauty.



So, all in all a really great year. I had other goals this year…a new book, a new improved website, but they didn’t quite happen…watch out 2017! It’s going to be busy….

ps.. “The Fantail Collection” of my curated collection of original vintage NZ art and collectables is also awaiting a new separate website so I can share my love of original NZ art in its own space…2017 is going to be very busy!

So, watch this space…its going to be another busy year this year and I hope that you also have some big plans and dreams to make 2017 the best year ever!

logo fantail collection


The Little Christmas Advent Alphabet Book…is back!!

Great news!!!….ZNO have finally agreed to reprint all my beloved books…The Little Christmas Advent Alphabet Books…

So if you have one and are using it right now and the glue has failed or is starting to fail on it, please, please send it back to me urgently and I will send you a brand new one (with a lifetime guarantee apparently). I also

have a small number of the reprinted book available to purchase if anyone is interested…a limited edition and very lovely unique, distinctly NZ and original Christmas gift!

Valley of contrasts


I had never travelled this road. That’s what funeral’s do to you. They make you travel new roads, see new sights, meet new people. The storm had passed and the sun was making it’s way through the dense black clouds and seemingly straight down onto one tiny little house, alone in this beautiful valley. On a day of sadness, it was a ray of sunshine in more ways than one.

The weight of water modified….


It is a painting…The weight of water. But as much as I love painting, I also love photography. And I love combining them in new ways. So, this is a photo of my painting…but not a copy of the original painting.   It is something else that is new, exciting and familiar but strange and different.

Big sky night on the coast…

June 2016 Sunset over sea

The sun was there. A large gold orb floating just above the horizon. Then, seemingly in an instance, it was almost gone, leaving in its wake, a spectacular sky of pinks, blues and purples. The blackest silhouette of winter trees remained momentarily as the golden orb sank fully into the sea beyond the horizon. What an incredibly sight on a mid-winter’s evening.

Three sisters…

Like three sisters…these three paintings are genetically similar. ..same canvas, same paint pallet,  same creator… but each is in individual, unique and has its own strengths and weaknesses …the same but different.

It feels good to be painting again after a bit of a quiet period as I have focused on photography and writing. I have missed it. I have attached a close up shot of one of the paintings too…so you can see the pinks and indigo and whites…colours of my  favourite black sand beach at sunset. Enjoy!





The weight of water.

new painting 1

A new painting. Titled “The weight of water”

Inspired by the black sand, the blue sea and the light shifting on both, where I live.

I hope you like it.

Some close up images below….close up 3close up 2close up new painting

A Little Christmas Advent Alphabet Book

Exciting news.. our first book is published and has now arrived…book cover20151119_185955.jpg20151119_18595920151119_185945.jpg20151119_1903 00

Today’s the day! Black Box Art Studio: Gallery & Shop on-line….

Today is a big day for me….for those who have been following my journey, you will know that today the Black Box Art Studio grows from a blog to also now include a website with an on-line store & gallery….Please have a look around…

yellow flowerI have many of my images/photography/art for sale, in a range of price/size options  from a small (ready to display) photo block to a limited edition, signed and  matted image ready for framing, to large scale canvas print (by request) and a selection of original Mixed media art and full size original abstract paintings. I will be adding more each week.

And you can also check out The Fantail Collection on our website.

logo fantail collection

This is an exciting collection of original art by others. It has a distinctly NZ theme and the images are all selected by me to fit with Black Box Art studio’s eclectic style and to complement my own art. Many are vintage pieces by known, noted and in some cases, anonymous artists!

Please have a look around and let me know what you think.

Thank you all for your support and for inspiring me to continue.I look forward to your feedback and thoughts!