Tag Archives: lights

Reflecting on the Len Lye Centre

Len Lye at night

Our new contemporary art gallery and Len Lye centre looking rather stunning at night, reflecting one of our oldest hotels (The White Hart – now fully restored) in the night lights. I love the contrast between the shiny modernistic mirrors and the gracious, old and beautiful building being reflected…how two so very different buildings compliment each other so well. Opposites attract and look good!

A blue enrapture.

Womad 2015 188

Darkness, light, movement and a camera…it always creates an unexpected surprise. I love the lines here, the colour spectrum and the composition. I like how the fragile blue line near the top appears broken and tied together, while the other lines are solid below it. There is movement. And mystery. I like that.

Abstract thinking…

Womad 2015 114

There is something about lights, movement and darkness that captivates me. I love the sense of drama, the movement that is captured –  a fleeting moment in time and the abstract quality of this image.  What is it? What ever you see or what ever you feel, that is what it is. Simple.

Encountering the lights…

lights in park 1

The Festival of Lights has been occurring in our local park for 60 years today. Last night I took this photograph. It’s not a “typical” festival of lights image, but more like a wild abstract painting. As I have said before, one day I would love to see some of my wild and hugely abstract “light” images on display large scale in a gallery or strung down the side of a massive building, displayed on an enormous scale.

With this image particularly, I love the colour and shapes, but mostly I love the movement of the light that is captured…the way the light makes a cross symbol (or resembles an evening gown?) and the image looks to be fluid and moving, like a dancer.