Category Archives: flying

Lighting up the night sky…


The sky changed from blackest blue to a shimmering, glimmering display of light and colour and sound. The peace was broken. The darkness now broken with bursts of colour and shattering of light and smoke falling to the ground. It was by far the best fireworks I have ever seen. I even found a flower amount the stars.

Feasting and flying on a Sunday morning.


After it rained and rained and rained this weekend, the rivers from the mountain flooded downhill into the city and beyond to the sea. At the point where the wild, gushing river force came crashing down into the sea, the sea-gulls circled, dived and swooped around, clearly enjoying the spoils of the flooded river-ways.

Birds of a feather…

June 2015 001

I was not sure what these birds were when they passed in front of my house one evening very recently. Possibly ducks (wisely escaping duck hunting season) or perhaps they were geese on migration to some place warmer? Were they an NZ native bird or a visiting feathered friend en-route to some-place else?  They flew with a sense of purpose, in a line three times as long as my camera image….who they are, where they go…I do not know, but I do know they looked pretty spectacular from my window.