Tag Archives: contemporary art gallery



I went to the Len Lye Centre yesterday. It is a stunning and frequently photographed building on the exterior. Inside the gallery was a collection of some of his works and some other collections….including several items from one of my favourite artists…Colin Mc Cahon. But what really struck me as the most beautiful and stunning art in the building…was the building! It’s gracious, smooth, very tall curved concrete walls and the slips of light peeking through between some panels was the most beautiful art of all.

Reflecting on the new and shiny….

Len Lye Construction

It is certainly going to be interesting!

Reflections of the church buildings across the road… as seen on the first of many stainless steel curving panels forming the exterior of our new contemporary art gallery and Len Lye centre. It’s currently under construction in our city centre – not without controversy I might add.

Will it last? Will it stay shiny? Will it rust in our sea and salt laden air? Will it blind drivers and pedestrians? Will it get too hot? What will our high rainfall do to it over time? Who knows…certainly not me….but who cannot fall in love with the idea of a unique, original, elegant building? I personally cannot wait to see how it looks finished. There is a place in cities for protecting heritage and old buildings and there is also a place for new and innovative approaches and fresh, risk taking ideas…the best cities celebrate both!